Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ford Motor Co. Indian Execs fired for having sense of humor

After hundred years of boring Ford Automobile ads, finally somebody got creative and made campaign I liked. I still would not buy pieces of junk like Ford cars, but at least I would have said that they have sense of humor that fits 21st century.

I remember when I was little kid seeing really dumb, unbelievable ads in comic books. Its what got me intrigued in marketing in the first place. How to sell complete useless junk, but make it sound cool.

Anyway, pictures are worth more than words in this case, so here we go:

In other news bunch of talentless hacks made movie using name 'You cant kill Stephen King', which has nothing to do with actual Stephen King other than that they basically stole material from his books, and that is somehow ok (movie was total crap, gave it 1 on IMDB, you should too, to protect the innocent), but having interesting sense of humor when trying to sell cars nobody with any taste and car knowledge would really want is not. Go figure.

Thanks to Vedmak.

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