Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hearthstone: Opening 146 Expert Packs and odds of what you will receive

Its split into 2 videos, first one was supposed to be 40, but due to unforeseen circumstances recording starts with 26 packs remaining:

And second video is opening 3x40 packs (I was looking for specific Legendaries, not getting them I simply acquired more packs until I was able to disenchant for dust to get what I was after):

If you are curious, odds are about 1 Legendary per 40 packs. I got 5 in 120 but I did open about 100 other packs earlier from gold rewards, my first purchase which was $3 just to get gold Legendary Beta Promo, etc, and I kept track of #'s of rarities acquired overall.

Now, I also found info where they claim actual odds are:

1 Rare per 0.85-0.9 packs
1 Epic per 5 packs
1 Legendary per 20 packs

Chances for gold cards are supposed to be:
2% Gold Common
1% Gold Rare
0.25% Golden Epic
0.05% Golden Legendary

I found odds lower, but it might have been simply bad run overall.

Thanks to Vedmak.

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